変身(1ページ漫画) Transform 1 page comic.
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エルフとオークの体が入れ替わる20ページの漫画を作成中 I'm currently working on a 20-page comic in which an elf and an orc switch bodies.
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ムチムチボディのシスターの体にオーガが乗り移り Ogre possesses plump nun's body.
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体を乗っ取られるフェチの美女にオタクが憑依 An otaku is possessed in beautiful woman who gets excited about having her body taken over by someone else
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セリフスワップ Swap speech bubble between man and woman.
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ボディジャック ファンアート Body Jack Japanese old TSF anime(1988) fan picture.
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(小説)190cm女子と150cm男子のラブラブ入れ替わり Novel, 190cm girl and 150cm boy love love bodyswap.
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エルフとオークが入れ替わる漫画の進捗 Progress of comic body swap elfs and orcs.
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僧侶とスライム cleric and Slime.
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漫画を作成中 Creating a comic.
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敬虔な修道女とゴブリンの入れ替わり Pious nun and goblin body swap.
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エルフの弓使いのファンタジー漫画を作成しています creating a fantasy comic about an elf archer.
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漫画2ページ、病みネガティブガールに変なおじさんが乗り移り 2 pages comic Upper tension middle-aged-man possessed negative sick girl.
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入れ替わりがある昔の漫画 old mangas, all animes and games...
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リクエストの絵3枚+1 3 requested drawings + 1
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リクエストの絵3枚+1 3 requested drawings + 1
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リクエストの絵2枚+1 2 requested drawings + 1
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ゲラゲラ棒(漫画4ページ) Laughter stick(4 pages comic)
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4ページの漫画 4 pages comic laughter stick
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動物または物体との入れ替わりのリクエストを募集します looking for requests body swap with animal or object.
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昨日のラフスケッチ Yesterday's rough sketch
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TS special forces
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息抜きのラフスケッチ Rough sketch for a break.
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4ページの漫画を描いています(TSFではない) Drawing 4 pages comic(not TSF)
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女学生と鳩の入れ替わり Body swap between schoolgirl and pigeon.
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委員長乗っ取り Classroom chair parson girl body snatch.
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テンプレートで作成するリクエストの絵 Picture of a request created using a template.
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キャットガール unfinished cat girl.
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二次創作リクエストの描き方 How to arrange a comic that has an original work.
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テンプレートから作成します。Create from template.
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忍法移し身の術! Kikyou the kunoichi’s body swap.
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リクエストのイラスト2枚 Two illustrations created upon request.
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その4 リクエスト募集中です no.4 Accepting requests.
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その3 リクエスト募集 No.3 Call for requests.
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その2 脳移植され、頭に縫合痕がある美女 No.2 A beautiful woman with a brain transplant and suture marks on her head.
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その1 完璧な生徒会長に憑依して排⚫︎ (2ページ漫画) No.1 Possessing the perfect student council president and defecating(comic 2 pages).
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生意気な歳上彼女の魂を抜き取って腹話術ごっこ Take out the soul of a sassy lover.
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水着美女とカエルが入れ替わる1ページ漫画 1 page comic of body swap between bikini girl and frog.(Japanese and English sub)
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レディース総長と弱いオタクの入れ替わり漫画1ページ Yankee gyaru and nard man body swapping comic 1 page.
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マインドコントロールイラストのリメイク Remake of mind control illustration.
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女兵士をリモコンで好き勝手に操る漫画12ページ A comic where a female soldier is controlled as she pleases with a remote control 12 pages.
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新しい車体 A new car body
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あたシコ Illustration of possession of a female newscaster based on Japanese internet slang.
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いきなり尻見せ Suddenly butt out
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女兵士が音波兵器で操られる話リライト A rewrite of a story in which a female soldier is controlled by a sonic weapon
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(R18じゃない)漫画のエキストラ passerbys(not erotic)
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エルフの漫画 Elf Manga first page
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どうしようか? What should I do?
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アイデア募集 Looking for your help
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抜け殻のカラダに入る練習 Practice to enter the empty body
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